Saturday 28 May 2011

About two cartoon shows

Gang, I'm gonna be honest about two different shows here.

I see alot of people prefering Rugrats over All grown up - well, Rugrats was cute, but All grown up was fun!
Because there it's a lot more fastpaced, their developed personalities are interesting (Dil's not so annoying and Kimi actually does show that she can get mad). And the three specials: Dude, wheres my horse? ; RV having fun yet? and Interview with a campfire were both entertaining and adventurous!

Also usually I'm a bit superficial with animated shows, comics and such unless it gets good. Well Winx club proved to have both beauty and deal with common life themes in a fictional atmosphere: a child with divorced parents and dealing with the changes (Stella), finding yourself (Bloom), Finding your specialty in the world (Musa), learning/finding to love (Techna & Flora), and learning to accept who you are inside (Roxy).

The animation is beautiful and a few of the underlying messages are fun, too bad if those goofballs out there don't appreciate this gem of animation.

Besides it's a whole lot better than the dull lame shows they're showing nowadays on Disney, CN and Nick right?

Thank you that's all I have to say.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Don’t push me I’ll fight it! – My opinions on discrimination

Exact lyrics of Bryan Adams song, to explain my sentiments about how I feel about the unfair prejudice in general I see all over the media and around the world.

People being bullied, shunned, beaten, humiliated just because they happen to be different.
Honestly, when some prejudiced morons see someone not like them, they're thinking: "No, this disrupts my perfect, monotone little life, they have to go."

Whether they're African American, Jewish, Asian, gay or mentally challenged - all this cruel, pointless discrimination makes me sick.

Bah humbug! I say that those white supremacists pigs out there should get their heads out of their asses put 'em back in the air and stop complicating their lives with insignificant things.

They should be more worried about where we'll all be in thousands of years when all the males disappear or how they're destroying the earth with their greed!

AND for the big fat information of those bozo busybody bigots out there, I happen to be a stubborn white catholic nonconformist woman, who's not afraid to speak out. Besides, allot of the humans they look down upon were the nicest and most interesting people I’ve met in my lifetime.

As a matter of fact, so long as they RESPECT children, animals and life in general – I couldn’t care less what they are! They’re still humans like you and me!

Plus it is foretold: "If the world is dominated by people who believe that their races, their religions, their ethnic differences are the most important factors, then a huge number of people will perish in this century."

They can bully me for any stupid reason they try to find and complicate it but there is no fucking way they're gonna change my mind!
Not no way, no how!

So there!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

New girl using blogs

So here I am. Posting blogs, not knowing just yet what I should write.  So far I have only been doing fanfictions and that's justa hobby of mine. Oh well, my following post will be awhole lot more interesting.